Caught On Video - Internet Scammer Exposed

Released on = March 22, 2007, 1:45 pm

Press Release Author =

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Internet Con Man jailed. His shocking video confession
describes how he scammed people to the tune of $3200 per day.

Press Release Body =

Caught On Video: Internet Scammer Exposed

Internet Con Man jailed. His shocking video confession describes how he scammed
people to the tune of $3200 per day.

Vancouver, BC March 22, 2007

As if it\'s no surprise at all, yet another Internet Scam has been exposed once and
for all. Until recently this particular con man was unsuspectingly fleecing his
cyber victims into opening their wallets and forking over whatever cash they had
inside. So much so, that it equated to the tune of $3200 per day. So who is this
man? Nobody really knows for sure. He goes by the alias of David Mckay.

It seems that by all accounts, David had a rough upbringing. As a child he was
constantly being shuffled between foster homes. Then at the fragile and often easily
influenced age of 16, he was permanently tossed to the streets to fend for himself.
At that point, David resorted to whatever survival techniques he could to stay alive
and safe. He quickly turned this hunger for survival into a blood thirsty need to
have it all. He no longer wanted to keep surviving, but instead wanted to create a
life for himself where he would never have to worry about survival again.

Armed with this new found hunger for wealth and power, David relied on this keen
sense of trickery and devious mind, and subsequently spent the next 7 years amassing
a small fortune by preying on any unsuspecting innocent person who came into contact
with him. David executed his skills with the precision of a world renowned surgeon,
leaving behind nothing but broken promises, shattered dreams and empty wallets.

Fate had a different plan for David though. On August 7, 2002 he was indicted on
several counts of fraud, sentenced to 2 years in prison, and ordered to pay
restitution to his many victims.

Fast forward to present day...

David served his time and was released from prison. This time David was determined
to stay on the right side of the law and earn a legitimate living online. He tried
everything from Adwords, Ebay, Adsense, Forex Trading to the most basic of Home
Business systems, but failed at every turn. He quickly realized that the only ones
making any kind of sizeable income in these areas were the so called \"guru\'s\".
David\'s frustration soon boiled over. He quickly realized that the only way he knew
how to make money, was to resort to the devious ways that landed him in prison in
the first place. This time he was bringing it online.

Within 3 short months of turning back to the dark side, David had amassed a small
empire of web sites that were bringing in several hundred dollars per day. He has
since secretly taped a video confession, outlining the exact steps he used the rake
in thousands of dollars per day. Sneak a peak at:

For More Information Contact:

Web Site =

Contact Details = D. Whitmore
#11 - 46858 Russell Road
Sardis , V2R 5T3


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